With Our Newest Promotional Marketing System
View Our System With Us & You Will Qualify To Win 2 Tickets To A Toronto Maple Leafs Games From The Alumni Box
At The Scotia Bank Arena In 2020-2021
Understanding what you can and cannot do when it comes to marketing is one of the initial things we help you determine when we enter into a marketing partnership with you. We totally understand the idea that most golf courses are doing way more with less these days and some courses are unable to execute many more tasks than they are already doing where some courses are fortunate to have dedicated marketing people already on staff. Regardless of which position you are facing, we are here to help any way necessary to ensure one thing, we execute the marketing plan we have put together with you.
We have customized a package that includes a variety of different products and services that we have to allow you to execute a complete marketing plan with no additional work for you. Yes we do it all and you continue to concentrate on the things you are already tasked to do.
Our Products & Services In This New Promotional Package Include

1. Automated Data Collection System - Collect Information/Data On Your Customer
Have you ever thought to yourself? Wow, if I just had a large enough database I could market directly to my customers in a very cost-effective manner and get my marketing message out directly to Those people interested in my business.
We Will:
Provide an automated system to help to collect data on your customer in a non intrusive manner.
- Including 2500 9 Hole Scratch n Win Cards to begin the collection process
- Including an SMS System to easily collect the important information including Cell Number, Name and E-mail Address

2. Custom Promotional Program - Minimum of 36 Weeks of Promotional Ideas
We take the heavy lifting out of producing promotions and have 100's of different templates available for every single time of year. You name the occasion and we have got you covered, You will no longer in season toil with making your own promotional materials including posters at the club, E-blast send outs as well as social media posts as they are already made and ready to use
We Will:
Provide 100's of different templates and insert those you will utilize into our Automated E-blast System for delivery to your database.
Provide templates in correct sizes to be utilized in your social media posts as well as for in-house use in a poster style size
Continue to develop additional templates ongoing to keep the look and feel fresh.

3. Automated E-blast System - Golf Course Email Marketing & Communication.
Many Golf Courses & Golf Businesses are using our all-in-one Email Marketing Software
Our all-in-one email marketing software includes everything needed to create, send, entertain, track and profit from your email marketing. We understand how important e-marketing can be when done in the proper manner and we ensure yours is done the only way we know how THE RIGHT WAY.
Specialized Built-in Template That Entertains in Addition to Selling
Synergy's Email Marketer comes with a very specialized built-in email template to ensure that you are engaging your customer as well as selling them. The most important thing to remember is that you must get them to open the e-mail in order to ensure sales and to do this we provide entertainment built right into your e-blast. That's right, we provide entertainment that is updated weekly that will automatically appear in your e-mail marketing blast and all we have to do is add the info you wish to promote that week. You can also contact us if you would like a custom email template built for your campaign.
We Will:
Provide the custom software to enable to you send out unlimited E-blasts throughout the year.
Build you a custom E-blast Template with consistent look to current website
Include in custom template all built in entertainment and engagement tools
On your behalf we will send out 36 agreed to promotions utilizing your software
We will provide all analytics of your 36 campaigns to ensure we continue to improve your open and click through rates
Sample of Our Template

4. Automated Connection To Social Media - Marketing Through Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
With so much already on your plate why not let us take care of your direct marketing through your Social Media Channels. With our automated systems each time we send an e-blast we will also post the same promotion through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This will save so much time as we understand in the past you most likely have had to post individually to each account which can be very time consuming. This is no longer the case and we will do it for you.
We Will:
If not in use we will set up Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Accounts
utilize our weekly promotions and send to all social channels each and every time we send out our promotional E-blast
report on all views, engagements and purchases through social media

5. Direct Connection or Link From All Promotional Channels (E-blast, Social Media) To Your On-line Store.
It has often been said by us that true golf course marketing is the innate ability to consistently place new bodies on your property while relying on your product and service to keep this new customer coming back. Nothing could be more obvious to us or so we thought. Most businesses continue to utilize their marketing to drive people to their website with the hope or prayer that they will eventually react to one of their call to action buttons like Book Your Tee Time. Why not try doing it in a manner that most have not thought of and get them going to your on-line store to make direct purchases of all the specials and promotions you make available direct in your store (Sell Them Something Which Will Ensure They Visit Your Business). With software found in some POS Systems like Tee-On, not only can you sell the items direct in your store but you can electronically deliver the product by e-mail and have it automatically redeemed when they show up at the course. No Fuss No Muss Just More Sales Which Drive Them To Your Business.
We Will:
For those who use Tee-On as The POS with the Tee On Store as part of their package we will set up a unique page in the store including electronic delivery of all sold items and redemption of items when customer visits golf course.
For those with a different store on their website we will help set up all items for sale in that store with the course taking care of deliver and redemption.

6. An In-House Digital Signage System - Designed to Offer an In-House Promotional Opportunity Using Your Own TV.
Why not promote your business in your business right where your customers are. Turn your TV's into Digital Broadcast Systems with the ability to broadcast any message you like including the 36 promotions we have already built for you. In addition we will include a generic marketing message that will play continuously through-out the entire season one that you will never have to worry that it is out of date as we will take care of it for you.
We Will:
Produce a basic program to show all the different services the club has to offer including, tournaments, lessons, demo days including dates, golf shop sales, lounge including F&B opportunities, men's night, ladies night, couples night, in-house events etc while at the same timing mixing in the weather forecast, up to date golf news and almost anything else you can think of.
Add in all of the 36 unique promotions that we are running for your course at the appropriate time of the year with you not having to worry about any of it and for the first time you will have a well rounded marketing program with the ability to broadcast it in your place of business
Please Check Out The Video Below To View an Actual Demo of This Digital Signage Program