As we discussed earlier in the data collection page it is one of if not the most important thing that you can do to help market your golf course is collect data on your customer. The ability to reach out directly and speak with your customer through say an Email Blast only happens when you have compiled their information including at the very least Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
The simplest way we can tell you after 30 years of collecting data is by not letting the customer feel they are being solicited for data. If you ask someone directly at the check-in counter you may or may not get the information you ask for so why not try something different.
Ask if they would like to try your Long Drive Contest were everyone wins a prize and all of a sudden they are not think about giving their email, they are thinking about winning a prize and they just so happen to have to give their data to win.
Any easy distraction that accomplishes your goal.
Below is one of our demo game for Long Drive. Give it a try and see how much fun it is to collect data on your customer.